Murdock Music Clubs

Murdock Music Clubs

Please read the club descriptions and the MOrff/Murdock Rocks Contract for 2022-2023 before registering.

To register your child for MOrff or Murdock Rocks, fill out the form online

DEADLINE: Wednesday August 10th.

Click on Logo to go to Club Resources Page

Murdock Rocks - A small group that will perform and create popular music. See the Little Kids Rock website to learn about this model


Who: Approximately 15 5th grade students. Students with prior experience on guitar, piano, bass, drums, etc. will receive first consideration. Students should prepared to sing and try instruments other than their primary to meet the instrumentation needs of the ensemble.


What: Modern Band Music – Learn and create a variety of rock and pop music in a collaborative environment.


Where: Mr. Hydo's Music Classroom


When: Monday 2:30-3:30

MOrff Ensemble - Based on the principals of Orff Schulwerk, this group will perform folksongs, traditional world music, and choral literature. Students will perform by singing, dancing, and playing percussion instruments. Our focus will be shifting to include more choral singing in the Spring.

Who: Approximately 40 4th and 5th Grade students.


What: Singing, Movement, and Percussion group. We will perform choral music literature, folk songs, and world music.


Where: Mr. Hydo's Music Classroom


When: Wednesday 2:30-3:30

Fall Calendar - UPDATE 8/4/2022 Affects Murdock Rocks!

I had meetings added to my calendar that conflict with MR! on August 22 and October 17 (Early release days).

Before deciding, please take time for you and your child to read the MOrff/Murdock Rocks Contract for 2022-2023

To register your child for MOrff or Murdock Rocks, fill out the form online

Blanket Field Trip form: In past years this was a requirement for chorus. If needed this year, these will be sent out at a later date.


Please wait for confirmation of club membership before making donations. Because of the limited spots in the programs this year, not all students who apply can be accepted.

Checks should be made out to "Murdock ES", placed in a student payment envelope, marked "Murdock Music Clubs" and deposited in the vault (by the front office). The envelopes are available in the front office and in my classroom.

Here is an example envelope:


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