Music Supplies for 2020-2021

Music Supplies


To reduce confusion and ensure every student has the correct materials, supplies for music class have been ordered through the school. The kits will come with a variety of grade level specific paper manipulatives, as well as rhythm sticks, a shaker, and a scraping instrument. I will send out emails and notify students when they are available to pick up at Murdock Elementary. The cost is $4 plus a small transaction fee charged by the processing company. 


To pay for the music kit:


1.     Go to:

a.     This is the same system used to pay for ASP and school lunches.

b.     Alternately, go through select “Make Online Payments”

                                               i.     Then select “After School Program” (it will direct you to the My Payments Plus website).

2.     Login or Create account

3.     Select the “Events & Activities” tab from the blue banner

4.     Your child’s name should be listed below, click on it,

5.     Click on the item to select and then "add to cart"


6.     Use the shopping cart icon to continue to check out

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