E-Learning Rotation #5

Teach me a song you love. K-5

You are going to cover a song. "Covering" is when you play a song that someone else wrote. As much as I love to hear the songs you wrote yourself, save those for another day.

Here is my cover of "Bastille Day" by the band Rush

Choose a song, practice, perform, and record it. It doesn't have to be fancy (I like doing multitrack videos, you don't have to). There is a 3 minute maximum limit on the flip grid recordings.

Post it on my Flipgrid Here.
You can always email it to me if you don't want to share with other students.

You must:

Perform the music by either singing or playing an instrument.

You may:

Sing it without accompaniment.
Use Karaoke tracks (there are a lot of these on YouTube)
Sing it along with a recording
Play it on an instrument.
Dress up as a character or performer.
Get help and work with family members (back up band?)
Have fun with it!

You may not:

Lip sync (I want to hear you!)
perform a song that you wouldn't be allowed to sing in school (no bad words!)


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