
Showing posts from April, 2018

Kindergarten: Fairies and Giants

Kindergarten Parents, I really enjoyed our informances the other week. In it, you saw you children sing, move with music, play, and read music. I just wanted to let you know that just because the performance is over, the learning hasn't stopped. This rotation we've been moving with the music "Fairies and Giants" by Edward Elgar. We listened to the music, discussed the different sections, and moved as fairies and giants. We moved just our hands, then our bodies as either dancing as a fairy or stomping as a giant, and then we did both creatures and added scarves for the fairies. Moving to music with dramatic contrast is a great activity to incorporate into the time you spend with your children. The best part, you can use whatever music you like as long as: 1. It only has 2 - 3 different sections (most pop songs have 3: ABABCB) 2. The sections are very different, Kindergarteners are not known for subtlety. 3. The sections are not too long, 1 minute maximum. H...

4th & 5th Grade Song Writing

4th and 5th Grade are working on song writing. The notes available are: D E F# G A B C D Here are the tracks: Electronic Minor Intro A B A B Coda Major Pop Ballad Intro A B A B C A Any Murdock student is welcome to take these tracks and use them however they want. Please just give credit to the school if you share your finished song. If you make money off of your track,  it would be nice to donate to the Murdock Elementary Music Program.

Playing with Melodies

This rotation in 4th and 5th grade we explored major and minor modes and heard the Star Spangled Banner in both Major (original) and minor. Musicians have always taken familiar melodies and changed them to create something new, protest, experiment, or as a compliment. Here are some versions of the Star Spangled Banner. Why do you think the artist chose this piece to perform and create a variation? Here is Mozart's Variations on "ah vous dirai-je maman" (Twinkle Twinkle): If you want to hear a couple other songs moved from major to minor, here you go. I tried to pick a couple songs that you might already know. In addition to putting the songs in a minor key, he changes instruments and tempo (speed) too. This is done to fit the mood of the minor key. Make sure to listen to the originals, so you can compare.